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Writer's pictureThe BZ Team


Summer is here and let's admit it - we can't wait for it to begin! Still, when the dust on our school books settles and we look back at this year, there are so many things we will remember fondly! In hopes that some of you might share your favourite memories from this school year, we had a chat with Ms Grace, our lovely Primary Years Coordinator and some pupils from her Year 5a class. We asked them to look back at their school year with Year 5 and here is what they said...

1. What is your best memory from this school year?

We have so many to choose from this is near impossible but probably our school trip to the Christmas Market and Ice Rink which linked to our Topic Unit 'Olympics'. It was so fun because we got to watch a professional ice skater, have a go at ice skating ourselves and then go round the Christmas Market with our friends.

2. What is your funniest memory from this school year?

The funniest memories we have of this year are probably when Miss Grace is helping us focus and put on some relaxing music on Youtube then a really loud advert comes on right in the middle of when we are working hard. We all start laughing and then sometimes when she presses skip there is another advert, so we laugh even more.

3. Which of your classmates surprised you most during this school year?

We get to spend a lot of time with 5B so it's really fun getting to know all the new children who joined Bright Horizons this year. In our class Maja joined and she's so fun and kind, so we all made a new friend.

4. What is the first thing that comes to your mind about what you learned this year?

'If you make a mistake it doesn't matter, it's what you can learn from that mistake that matters'

'Do what is right, not what is easy'

All the work we've done on our Personal Goals have really stayed with us, our last personal goal of 'Internationally Minded' has really opened up our empathetic sides.

5. What was the most difficult thing about this school year?

Balancing revision for all our subject tests. This year we had some new subjects so trying to stay organised and prepare for tests could be a challenge.

6. Try to sum up this school year in 3 words for us!

fun-filled eye-opening creative

If you could sum up your school in 3 good words, which words would they be? What is your favourite memory from this school year? We will remember goofing out in the playground, the stage fright and applause before and after our Christmas and summer shows, jokes and funny misunderstandings on school field trips, amazing new science projects, unbelievable stories and art we created, and above all - our friends!

We do hope you all have lots of precious memories and friendships to keep! Have a wonderful summer and make every moment count!

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