Christmas is coming!
If only you could walk down our school corridors these days! Colours and glitter fill our spaces, song echoes through all the classrooms, lines of recitals are being practised, and Christmas arts and crafts are pouring from every shelf!
These days, despite the necessary tests (not our favourites but what can you do), we are learning our lines in songs, recitals and plays which we are going to perform next week for our loved ones! We can't wait for them to start filling the audience while we prepare behind stage, with restless butterflies in our tummies, teachers lose their voices over shushing us and then.... WOW! We absolutely nail every single thing we have to do on stage!
Still we can't help but feel nervous, even tired at times. A performer's life on stage is not easy, we can tell you! So much worrying over every detail...
Will everyone show up on time?
Will everyone have their costumes and props?
Will everyone remember their lines?
Will everyone appear confident?
And millions of other things...
So, in case you were wondering what we are doing these days, here is a brief list:
decorating classrooms
learning and studying
solving riddles
learning and studying
looking for our elf on the shelf
learning and studying
singing and dancing
learning and studying
acting and hosting the show
learning and studying
preparing our gingerbread houses
learning and studying
going ice-skating
learning and studying
building our team spirit
learning and studying
Overall - just loving these Christmas vibes! And soon enough - winter break, here we come! Yay!
