Believe it or not, after our intense Presidential election (CONGRATS TO ALL ELECTED PRESIDENTS AND VICE-PRESIDENTS!), it was time for our annual Halloween craze!
The pumpkin competition was especially scary this year! Congrats to Year 2 who won with their amazing Halloween edition of Anglerfish! Great team work, everybody!

Crazy Hair Day was just a warm-up for the Halloween dress-up! Take a look at what we believe the coolest thing about Halloween is in each class. Naturally, we did learn about the real legends and history behind it, yet there's nothing like a traditional costume party!
Our middle years' students (Years 7 and 8) were challenged by our English teacher to write endings for open-ended stories and.... drum roll... a Halloween poetry challenge was set!
Year 7 had to write an ending for a story - they all started from the same intro and then finished in unbelievable versions of horror stories. We simply couldn't pick the best one to share with you. Think about what you would write to finish this one...

Year 8 were writing horror or science fiction endings to their stories. You'd never believe what they came up with...
However, the poetry challenge turned out to be the most fun of all. We read about the Adventures of Isabel by Ogden Nash and then wrote our own versions of a Halloween poem about a monster named Janice or Billy... Here is one of the Billy-poems, written by our Year 7 trio E., J. and L., but we are only sharing the first half of their poem. Try to guess how their story-poem ends...
The Adventures of Billy
Billy, Billy,
So silly,
climbed a mountain, so hilly,,
met Willy eating a chili.
Willy offered Billy a chili.
Billy ate the chili
and fell off the mountain so hilly.
The mountain didn't provide support.
Billy was rushed to the nearest resort.
There he met Slappy the fish,
a fish that gave me him one free wish.
Billy wished for the girl of his dreams.
Instead, Slappy laughed. he thought it was al nerves,
But NO...
Billy wished again,
demanding a pretty lady waiting for him.
While waiting he went for a swim
and then she appeared before him.
(Note to teachers: we apologise for making all those horrible spelling and capitalisation mistakes in our Halloween work, but it's our favourite way of horrifying teachers at Halloween;).)
We enjoyed creating our Halloween stories and sharing them with each other, dressing up in costumes and getting creative with the pumpkins. And now it's time for our first, well-deserved midterm break! Woohoo!